Why Presbyterian Ear Institute?

Imagine not being able to hear rain falling, leaves crunching under your feet, the geese crowing as they fly south for the winter, the cheering of a crowd at a football game, the beauty of music, or the voices of your family at dinnertime. Imagine being the parent of a deaf child and fearing your baby will never hear you say, “I love you.” Or being the grandparent who cannot hear the sweet voices of your grandchildren.

At Presbyterian Ear Institute, we help make all of these things and more possible! We change lives by giving the gift of hearing and speaking, but we could not do this miraculous work without the generous support of our friends and donors. Providing comprehensive programs for deaf and hard of hearing children and adults comes with a large price tag, but the results of our programs are priceless. With your support, PEI will never stop giving the gift of hearing and speaking to the people and families in New Mexico. Thank you for helping change lives!

Imagine a World Without Sound



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For more information or to ask a question about your gift, please contact us at 505-998-7525 or KMartinez@peiabq.org

Presbyterian Ear Institute is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax #85-0373591). Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Should you prefer not to make your gift to PEI online, you can mail checks directly to:
Presbyterian Ear Institute
415 Cedar St. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Please be sure to let us know how you would like to designate your gift. Gifts that are not designated to a specific program will be allocated to the greatest need at PEI. You may also contact Kristina Martinez, Director of Development at KMartinez@peiabq.org or call her directly at 505-998-7525 if you would like to visit about a possible gift.

PEI In the News

New Mexico Outdoor Marketing

PEI receives New Mexico Outdoor Marketing Grant

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Santa Fe Community Foundation

Santa Fe Community Foundation

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